February 4, 2009


saya n all my friends telah mngambil keputusan utk menyertai hoki.ooh.it's look that we are very2 excited to join the tournment but..kami tahu yg kami punya lawan sgt2 hebat.budak2 pj of course la mesti terer!macam mana ni.kami pun bekerja agak2 keras utk at least reti la main.hehe.
but what to say.even you didn't have any skills but have the basic surely you can play.kami join pun macam 'bidan terjun'.for fun only.tapi mmg sgt kelaka laa sebab da la lawan liga.4 games!!!
OMG.xdapat dibayangkan lagi...:)
my conclusion is: NEVER GIVE UP BEFORE YOU TRY!

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